Hello Friends, today on February special, I would be sharing views about the concept above. I am grateful to all those who took time to share their opinion. 
Traditionally, Valentine’s day is a day when lovers express their love and affection for their partners by exchanging gifts and sending greeting cards to each other.
Valentine’s Day has ancient origins and became associated with romantic love during the Middle Ages when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
Every February, across the globe, candy, flowers and various gifts are exchanged between lovers, all in the name of Saint Valentine.
While the history of Valentine’s Day is largely shrouded in mystery, what we do know is that February has, since time immemorial, been regarded as the month of love.
But who was this mysterious individual known as St Valentine? And how did he come to be associated with this romantic holiday, which is celebrated by millions of people the world over, on 14 February?
One legend postulates that Valentine was a Catholic priest, who served in Rome during the third century. According to this legend, when Emperor Claudius 2, then head of Roman Empire, decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he summarily outlawed marriage for young men.
Valentine was at variance with this decree; he defied the Emperor and continued to perform marriages for young couples surreptitiously.
However, when the Emperor got wind of this, he ordered that Valentine be put to death.
Another legend pontificates that Valentine was killed as he attempted to help Christians escape from harsh Roman prisons, where they were brutally assaulted and tortured.
It is believed that while he was in prison, Valentine fell in love with a beautiful young woman, who frequently visited him in prison, and was the daughter of his jailor. This legend has it that Valentine sent her the first “Valentine“ greeting.
It is alleged that before his death, Valentine wrote her a letter, which he signed “From your Valentine”– an expression which lovers still use today.
Notwithstanding the fact that the truth behind Valentine legends is shrouded in mystery, the stories about him emphasise his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic and, most importantly, romantic figure.
The Roman Catholic Church today recognises Valentine as one of its most venerated saints. This was affirmed by Father Alex Mukaro, a Roman Catholic priest. 

“The Catholic Church recognises at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinos, all of whom were martyred. As far as the Catholics are concerned, Valentine’s Day is not only a day for lovers to exchange gifts and send each other greeting cards; it is, more importantly, a day for us as Christians to honor martyrs of our faith like Saint Valentine.

“Valentine’s Day is a special day for everyone and married couples should view it as a glorious opportunity to mend ailing relationships and renew their marriage covenants. – By Sir Peter😄
Val is a special day to show love to people, not just your partner alone but to everyone. However we should show love everyday – Chichi

Val is a day to receive gifts, also give gifts of course – annonymous

Valentine’s day is just like any other day – Queen

I was told its a day for lovers and not necessarily agape love like Easter’s because its a day dedicated to celebrate the bravery of two lovers in ancient time – Rose

I don’t like valentine’s day. Maybe because of the sour after taste from my first ever valentine with someone. -A

It is a day of celebrating love between couples, it is not about carrying your friends out. Now it is modified to be celebrated among Friends which was not the original intention. The day has been bastardised that people do not want to associate with it. It has kind of lost its’ true meaning. It is not compulsory for couples to celebrate it, they can decide if they want to celebrate it or not. – Annonymous

Valentine’s day! I see it as: A day set aside to express genuine love. A day/another opportunity to give. A day to make someone truly happy.
Valentine!, a special day to:








N-ormalize &


(with your special one) ☺ -D’jay

Maximise every opportunity to show some love. Love should not be limited to one person, but extended to as many as possible for you. We should not forget who Love is in anything related to love. 

You cannot effectively love another if you do not know the Love of God.  

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