Hello Friends, today on our special edition, I will be sharing views about the concept below. I am grateful to all those who took time to share their opinion. You can also join the discussion by commenting. Thank you.

Relationship gets harder the deeper it gets. New friends are like fresh breeze until it gets deeper! Relationship is always hard to maintain!

Is that true?

Hi, I am Emem, I believe love is more of a commitment than feelings. Sometimes love seems like the simplest question that can be the most difficult to answer. Love has different meanings and can be interpreted in different ways.

   Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. Love is caring for someone else deeply and unconditionally. 

Love is being motivated to be the best version of yourself. Love also means finding someone that brings out the best version of yourself and challenges you to be better.

     Most of us tend to focus on falling in love and use the feeling of Love to determine the duration of a relationship. Falling in love is easy to do, almost effortless, but losing that loving feeling is not that hard to do either.

    When a relationship is new, it is fun and enjoyable, courting or being courted, in the beginning we are constantly thinking about the new person in our life and wanting to spend all of our time together and share new experiences together, we will want to show how we feel by getting cards or flower or by just sending a cute text message. Feelings however can be fleeting. Who we love is as much of a choice as it is a feeling.

  Staying in love takes commitment, after the glow of the new relationship wears off, we have to make a decision, do we want to love this person and be committed to the relationship together or are we going to let this go?

     Love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship, we need commitment to make our relationship last longer and enjoyable. The feelings we have now will soon fade off but in order to keep the relationship glowing, flowing, healthy and happy we need commitment.

     Finally I want us to know that commitment is the only tool that has the power to keep the love burning forever, so be committed. Love is not just a feeling but total commitment. #it’sallaboutlove

To maintain relationship; know the person’s love language, be Friends, understand what make the person tick, like each other; Discuss, this is often better when you have common interest, if you don’t, find one. -Iyanuoluwa

The above statement is true thus the partners should TALK; communicate, Nobody can read minds, do not assume. Give your partner attention. Determine that the relationship must work. -Dami

 I don’t agree with the part that relationship is always hard to maintain because, as a relationship gets deeper, there would be understanding between the people involved and this will reduce the friction between them, and they would be able to fill up the deficits of each other better. So I believe maintaining a relationship might be difficult at the start (let me not say the start per se, but a little down the line when the emotional rush has gone), but gets easier as the relationship gets deeper. -Kuiye O

Make your decision to be with the person so when tough time comes you remember your reasons.
Cheers to your blissful relationship!

2 thoughts on “Special edition: Relationship

  1. Love is more of action tham thought . love contributes less than 40% for any relationship to be sustained ,while trust and communication play the major role. Kinds of love in a relationship: Infatuation : is the state of being completely carried away by an attraction to someone .this kind of of love doesn’t last long in any genuine relationship. 2 Lust: is an intense desire to satisfy one’s sexual appetite .this is selfish in nature, it does not sustain a fresh or a new relationship because it give room for suspicion . 3 Real Love : this has many qualities,love does contain the magical element of physical attraction, but it is a lot more than this.Love has it root in friendship.
    In true love, you love the total perso this kind of love is sacrificial and involve quality of commitment. Real Love is not just a wonderful feeling that strikes you suddenly , it takes time to grow and develop.you don,t fall into real love but you grow into it by using distance to test it and closeness to judge it. You can not genuine ly love a person whom you do not really know, so knowing is the answer to a successful and sustained relationship.


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