Automatic Negative Thoughts

Automatic Negative Thought (ANT)

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.”

Zig Ziglar


Have you been in a situation that is so very different from your expectations? Or you made something which ought to be beautiful but it is so opposite! 

That moment when the reality and your vision are contradicting, still Think Positive.

The great powerful Creator made heaven and earth, still earth was formless and empty. That was definitely not His plan. He had the big picture of what He wanted the earth to be. Have you try making something and it turn out shapeless, empty and full of darkness? Or you just resumed a new position or office and everything seems bleak. At that point you may be tempted to think negative. 

Automatic Negative Thoughts involves immediate thought about the bad qualities of something or someone or expression of dislike or disapproval. It happens suddenly. It may be an habit of persistent or consistent response to an overwhelming or bad situation. The situation being negative does not warrant a negative thought.


Lessons from God when he had a earth without form and void. The story of creation can be seen in Genesis 1-2:3.

  • Every dark situation needs light. Do not let your mind be clouded, go for insight, knowledge brings salvation. Study about the situation, discuss with people. 
  • Have a end in mind. There is no success if the end and beginning are the same. However the constrast at the beginning should not discourage you. What are your expectations? You are there to make it better. There is always a way out. 
  • Take a survey, analyse the situation. It may not be as bad or it may even be worse. At least know what you are dealing with. Knowing the problem is part of solving it. Know your resources, what is needed to achieve the picture you have in mind. 
  • Create an Action Plan. Action without a strategy may lead to frustration. Your Action Plan should be SMART. It should be specific, measurable, achieveable, realistic and time bound. God did not create everything at once. There was order and sequence.  Imagine what would have happened if God created the fishes and other aquatic lives before the sea! 
  • Take action. Creation would not have occurred if God was contented with the state of the earth nor would it if He decided to do nothing. Action involves talking, observing and working. I saw this quote somewhere but cannot remember the author “Necessity is the mother of invention.”  
  • Division of Labour. The trinity were involved in the work of creation. You do not have to do it alone. Involve God and others; colleagues, family, friends, your network. 
  • Assess yourself at the end of each day/activity. Check that you are following your timeline. 
  • Celebrate each success no matter how small. 
  • If you miss any of the above steps or the strategy is not feasible, Try again! You are better than someone who gave up. You definitely are transformed.

Lessons from Genesis one is non-exhaustive. Share your views in the comment box below. I look forward to hearing from you!

Cheers to your Positive Thoughts!

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